Best Feng Shui Front Door Plants for Good Fortune

Best Feng Shui Front Door Plants for Good Fortune

Saumya Singh

Plants in the house are aesthetically pleasing because of the forms and colors they bring to a room. In addition to looking nice, many houseplants assist to purify the air by absorbing harmful chemicals.

Best Feng Shui Front Door Plants for Good Fortune

You may not realize it, but your green companions can also increase the quality of qi (vital energy) in your dwelling. Achieve more internal harmony and complement a current intention or objective by strategically putting plants throughout your home.

Feng shui and Plants

As a practitioner of feng shui, I use a wide variety of techniques to alter the flow of chi in a space. Intentionally incorporating elements like plants into a space is one method to bring in new forms of energy.

When plants are healthy, they emit beneficial qi, or life force energy. They're also a lovely method of bringing more of the outside inside, an especially welcome development given the increasing amount of time people spend in closed spaces, such as homes, in front of screens. In feng shui, plants are also as the wood element in the five-element system (Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire). When we bring plants into a room, we're hoping to increase the amount of wood element attributes like growth, energy, and health.

Home's Entrance Door and the Art of Feng Shui

From a feng shui standpoint, the front door is one of the most crucial points of your property. The front door of the house is the "mouth of qi" in feng shui, where the energy comes in to the house and spreads into all areas, hence it should always be used even if other doors, such the garage door or a side door, are more convenient. This is the doorway through which positive energy and good fortune might enter your home and begin a journey to you. Your home's entrance is its "face" to the outside world.

Your home's entryway should be designed to maximise the flow of good qi. The front door is sturdy and easily accessible. It's important to take care of the nuts and bolts before you add plants or make other feng shui alterations. What about your door, does it squeak? Is there dirt on the handle? Is it difficult to locate or open your front door due to clutter? If there are issues that have been brought to your attention, begin there. You should also make it a habit to enter and exit your home through the front door.

The energy of your entrance door can be improved by adding decorative touches after you've ensured its functional readiness. The energy of your home's foyer can be greatly improved by placing a potted plant there.

Plants We Love to Have in the Foyer for the Front Door

Feng shui plants with soft, rounded leaves are generally the most welcoming. Choosing anything with sharp thorns or spikes may not be the best option if you want to encourage people to visit and open doors for them. It's also crucial to locate a plant that can thrive in this area of your home; before settling on one, do some homework to ensure that it receives enough light and is not too cold or hot.

Areca Palm

Best Feng Shui Front Door Plants for Good Fortune

If you have room for a larger plant, an areca palm may inject a great deal of vitality into a room. This plant is perfect for bringing life to a dull nook. Depending on the climate, you could leave it on your front porch during the warmer months and bring it inside when the temperature drops. Air quality is improved by the presence of areca palms, which also act as natural air purifiers.


Monstera leaves are beautiful, shaped like hearts and are a wonderful way to bring more warmth and compassion into your life. In the correct conditions, these plants can develop rapidly, which can be exciting to observe.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Lovely and trendy right now, fiddle leaf fig trees are a sight to behold. They can make a wonderful addition to the area around your front entrance due to their straight trunks and enormous, eye-catching leaves. They can also reach considerable heights, making them an excellent candidate for a grand entrance. Growing a fiddle leaf fig isn't easy, but the process of nurturing the plant can teach you compassion and kindness.


If you want to brighten up your foyer with a plant but aren't sure you have a green thumb, a pothos is a great option. These plants have a high tolerance for neglect, making them perfect for novice gardeners. Because of their lovely trailing stems, they are also perfect for a hanging planter or as an accent on a higher shelf or windowsill.

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