How to Use Crystal Balls to attract Feng Shui

How to Use Crystal Balls to attract Feng Shui

Saumya Singh

You might picture a quartz crystal or stone when you hear the word "crystal." Although these can certainly be used as feng shui tools, a faceted glass ball is typically referred to as a feng shui crystal ball. Usually, it is advised that these have a minimum diameter of 40mm and are suspended from the ceiling by a red string. (In feng shui, red is the most auspicious and empowering colour.) The length of the red string is typically cut to a multiple of nine, such as 18, 27, or 36 inches.

A feng shui expert might advise hanging a crystal ball in your home for a variety of reasons. Your particular floor plan and situation will determine where to hang one in your house. Having said that, here are some general tips for using feng shui crystal balls.

How to Use Crystal Balls to attract Feng Shui

Colored Crystal Ball Uses and Properties

You aren't restricted to using only different colours in your displays of crystal balls. One colour can be used to symbolise each sector. One crystal ball or a set of six crystal balls of the same colour are both acceptable.

Here are a few instances of the different kinds of crystal balls to use:

• Clear quartz can shield you and change unfavourable energies into favourable ones.

• To calm jittery nerves, you can display white, smooth crystal balls.

• Pink crystal balls can promote love and calm irate feelings.

• The energy of unconditional love is found in rose quartz.

• Lavender crystal balls promote inner tranquilly.

• Green crystal balls stop office rumours in their tracks.

• Energy for healing is offered by blue crystal balls.

• Citrine crystal balls give you renewed vigour and increased energy.

• A broken heart can be healed, and a grieving soul can find comfort from aventurine crystal balls.

• Yellow jasper soothes mental and emotional distress and is a nurturing stone.

• Obsidian offers energies that promote self-assurance and personal development.

Activate a Bagua Area

When working with clients, feng shui practitioners use a variety of tools, including the bagua, to assess and modify a space. If you are unfamiliar with the bagua, picture a three-by-three grid overlayed on a floor plan, with various areas standing in for various facets of life.

You can hang a feng shui crystal ball in the area of your home that corresponds to the area of your life that you want to focus on and activate, such as your romantic relationship, to enliven and uplift the qi (or energy) there.

If you choose to use a feng shui crystal in this manner, make sure to focus on just one bagua area at a time rather than attempting to change everything at once.

Adjust the Bed in Line With the Door

In feng shui, one of the first things we frequently check is whether your bed is in the commanding position. This is especially important in the bedroom. This indicates that even though you are lying in bed, you can still see the door. Sometimes it's not possible to arrange the bed in this manner, particularly if your bedroom is small or oddly shaped.

Adjust the flow of qi energy so that it is not trying to rush towards you while you are in bed if your bed must be in line with the door. A feng shui crystal ball hung from the ceiling between your bed and your the bedroom door is one way to achieve this. Any qi that enters the room is dispersed and slowed down by doing this.

Improve Your Entrance

Because it serves as the primary point of entry for opportunities and energy into your home and life, the main entrance to your house is known as the mouth of qi. This proves that making your home's entrance bright and welcoming is worthwhile. Hanging a feng shui crystal ball in your entrance is one way to achieve this. In particular, if your entry feels dark or claustrophobic, this can brighten and expand this area of your home and help to invite more opportunities.

A feng shui crystal ball at the entrance to your home can also improve the brightness and clarity of how you present yourself to the outside world.

Activate Your Home's Center

Your general health is related to the Tai qi, the centre of the feng shui bagua. Being in the centre causes it to touch every bagua area on either side of it. If you're unsure of where to concentrate, a strong and healthy centre can lay a strong foundation for all aspects of your life. A feng shui crystal ball hung in the middle of your house will energise and brighten the space, which will have an impact on all other areas of your house and life.

Improve Your Meditation Area

Hanging a feng shui crystal ball above your meditation cushion or seat or placing it somewhere you can see it while you're meditating is another way to use one. Your meditation routine will become more organised, harmonious, and expansive if you place a crystal ball there.

Focus Your Workspace

A feng shui crystal ball can be hung in your home office to help you focus. When you are sitting at your desk, it should be directly above your head. Also, make sure it is securely fastened. Hanging a feng shui crystal ball above your desk or home office can help you achieve greater clarity and focus in your work and career, which are represented by these spaces in your life.

Reconfigure a Long Hallway

Long hallways can be problematic in feng shui because qi moves quickly through them. In order for the qi to benefit the occupants of a home, it is ideal for it to meander more slowly and gather there. A feng shui crystal hung from the ceiling can be useful if your home has a long hallway. The qi is spread out in this way so that it doesn't rush through.



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