Plum blossom Meaning and How to use in Feng shui

Plum blossom Meaning and How to use in Feng shui

Saumya Singh

A way of viewing our surroundings and how we interact with them is through the lens of feng shui. We should ideally live in homes and spend time in environments that encourage, uplift, and nourish us. Feng shui seeks to connect us to the cycles of the natural world in many ways. A literal translation of "feng shui" is "wind" and "water," two elements of nature that all living things require to survive: water and air, or breath.

Feng shui principles can be used in a variety of ways to help us improve the connection to nature in our homes. Including natural symbols, such as plants and flowers, is a quick and easy way to achieve this. The plum blossom is one of a select few flowers that are particularly significant in China, where feng shui originated.


Feng Shui Symbolism and Meaning of Plum Blossoms

Plum blossoms are delicate, five-petalled flowers that are soft and delicate. You can see clusters of these pink or white blossoms decorate the branches of plum trees in late winter in many parts of Asia. In Asian culture, plum blossoms are revered as noble flowers. It is also one of the four lucky flowers associated with the four seasons in Asian culture. Winter is symbolised by plum blossom, while spring, summer, and fall are represented by peonies, lotsus, and chrysanthemums, respectively.

One of the first fruit trees in Asia to bloom in the late winter is the plum tree, which is revered as a symbol of hope after a long, chilly winter. Water, the element associated with winter, is also associated with gloom, stillness, and cold. When plum blossoms first appear, they give us a glimmer of hope and serve as a symbol of spring and fresh starts.

Along with lotus, peony, and chrysanthemum, this elegant and symbolic flower is frequently presented at Buddhist temples. Because the blooms stay on the tree for an extended period of time, it is also associated with endurance. Typically, plum blossoms have five petals, which can stand in for China's five clans. Five is a lucky number in feng shui because it can stand for all five elements. The five elements of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood collectively stand in for the various energies that make up our environment. Feng shui is based on the five elements system, and by examining how each element manifests in a person's life and environment, we can gain understanding and improve our sense of balance.

Around Lunar New Year, plum blossom is also frequently found as an offering and decoration to signify the arrival of spring. Since these flowers eventually turn into fruit, there is also a sense of culmination and the potential for new beginnings.

Plum blossoms are frequently combined with other seasonal flowers in Asian flower arrangements during the winter. We traditionally arrange materials a little differently in the Asian system than in the West. Asian flower arranging practices look to nature to inform the various pieces that we bring together, in contrast to Western floral arrangements where the components are typically selected solely for aesthetic reasons. In this system, a flower arrangement can be viewed as both an observation of nature and a miniature universe. It can also enable us to reflect on the lessons that nature can teach us.

These flower arrangements frequently include a symbol of the past, present, and future. It's possible that some of your blooms are opening, some of your buds are just beginning to open, and some of your buds are falling off.

The plum blossom also offers a lesson on impermanence and serves as a symbol of fortitude and hope. Fruit blossoms can evoke a wide range of tender emotions because they are even more fleeting than other flowers. Another common motif associated with beauty and happiness is the plum blossom.

How to Make Use of Plum Blossom at Home

Fresh arrangements of plum blossoms

You can bring flower arrangements with plum blossoms into your home when they are in season in late winter and early spring. When deciding where to put this arrangement in your space, we advise you to trust your gut. Fresh flowers are always a wonderful asset in an entryway or on a dining table if you're not sure where you'd like to put it.

Artwork with Plum Blossom Imagery

In the form of artwork, you can also decorate your home with images of plum blossoms. Based on your intention, you might want to pick the room where you'll hang this piece of art. For instance, a painting of plum blossoms in your meditation space can help you think about beauty and impermanence. Try hanging this piece of art in your home's foyer if you want to usher in more hope and fresh starts. The water in this space will feed the wood element of the plum blossom and support purity, longevity, and good health. You can also hang plum blossom artwork in your bathroom.

Plum Blossom to Boost Qi

You might use plum blossom imagery if someone needs a boost in qi (life force energy) or someone is feeling down. After enduring a long, dark winter, plum blossom has a connection to hope and fresh starts, and its upright branches can foster an upbeat atmosphere.

Draw the Plum Blossom

Drawing the symbolism of a plum blossom is another way to interact with it. This enables you to examine the flower more closely, appreciate its beauty, and learn more about it. Try going outside with a sketchbook and drawing what you see if there are plum blossoms blooming close to where you are. Even after you're done, if you'd like, you can hang the piece in your house.

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