How to Use the Owl Symbol for Good Luck - Feng Shui Tips

How to Use the Owl Symbol for Good Luck - Feng Shui Tips

Saumya Singh

How to Improve Your Luck With Feng Shui and Owl Symbols

People respect owls because they are associated with the supernatural (think Harry Potter). Numerous cultures have long associated this nocturnal animal with the qualities of wisdom, intuition, and insight. Messengers of wisdom and knowledge, owls have long been associated with these concepts.

How to Use the Owl Symbol for Good Luck - Feng Shui Tips

Feng shui is a Chinese philosophical tradition concerned with achieving a state of harmony between oneself and one's surroundings. Being conscious and at peace in the present moment is possible when one is in harmony with their environment. Animal lessons are one approach to satisfy your feng shui curiosity. Animals like the owl have a special bond with the environment. We can study the owl and get insight into our own nature by virtue of the fact that we, too, are a part of the natural world.

The Owl Symbolism Meaning

Owls, which are nocturnal raptors (birds that feed on other animals), can be found on every continent except Antarctica. The owl can be seen as a good omen in some cultures and a bad omen in others. Symbolically, owls lean toward the yin energy, the moon, and the unseen spirit world because of their association with darkness and nighttime activity.

Owls can see far in the distance and can fully rotate their heads to see behind them, this bodily feature alludes to their closeness to wisdom and their capacity to see the truth beneath any veil and they have excellent night vision as well.

Ancient Chinese art often used owl motifs, despite the bird being seen as a bad omen. In some Japanese works of art, the owl takes on the role of a guardian warrior. The owl, on the other hand, is seen as a symbol of intelligence in Western society. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology, is often depicted with an owl by her side. The occult and supernatural often feature owls in stories, films, and the like.

How about owls, do they bring Good Luck in Feng Shui?

When dealing with symbols in the present world, it's beneficial to learn about their historical background, but it's also important to rely on your own innate insight. We advise you to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings, and to resist the temptation to immediately label something as "good" or "bad." I'm more interested in your interpretation of owls. If you feel indifferent, that's the attitude to adopt. Bringing an owl into your home as a feng shui enhancement is likely to be meaningful and useful if you have a strong affinity for these birds. But if you have a bad feeling about owls, it could be beneficial feng shui to find out why you have this association.

Owls as a Case Study in Feng Shui

Whatever the interpretation, owls have long been a favourite theme for interior design. Figurines, wallpaper, and paintings featuring owls abound. You may incorporate it into your feng shui in a variety of ways, from cute to serious. Place some representations of owls around your house if you feel a kinship with them or if you want to increase your capacity for foresight, wisdom, and intuition.

Front Entry

It is believed that qi (vital life force energy) enters one's home through the front door. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and wisdom-seeking, as well as a symbol of protection and the ability to see what is hidden from plain sight. The presence of an owl statue or painting at your front door helps ward off negative energy from the outside world. It's fine if the owl keeps a watchful eye on your front door.

Activate the Career Area

A feng shui bagua is a map of energy that may be superimposed on a blueprint of your house to improve the flow of chi. Your career, which is represented by the water element, is located in the horoscope sector known as Kan (or the Career area). The owl sign will lead you to this room and activate it. The owl's skillful nighttime navigation can strengthen your water element, allowing you to move more fluidly in your endeavours.

The Place of Worship – Your Altar

An altar is a particular table or shelf in your home where you keep items that help you focus on your spiritual development. Here is the perfect place to find an owl illustration if that bird holds any significance for you.

The Feng Shui owl represents a wealth of benefits, including luck, knowledge, and safety. The owl is a potent symbol in traditional Chinese philosophy for bringing good fortune and plenty, this nocturnal bird has long been revered as a symbol of protection in Indo-European culture, most notably in its owl guise as the Greek goddess Athena.

As a practitioner of Feng Shui, I can tell you some unique methods to showcase this emblem at home or at the workplace:

To drive away negative energies

As a protective amulet, the Feng Shui owl sign can turn around any unfavourable energy or situation. It can be kept in any area that could use some extra shielding and a healthy dose of good vibes. Choose an appealing artwork of a family of owls or a golden figurine as a showpiece for your home. Put the statuette so that its back is to the street. The poison darts are deflected and the house is protected.

To improve money circulation

As a symbol of riches and prosperity, owls play a significant role in Feng Shui, which in turn boosts the flow of cash, place a picture of the bird at the southeast or south corner of your house for instant prestige.

To enhance knowledge

Place the sign where you work or study, and you'll attract productive, wise, and learned energies. A group of macramé owls perched on the wall of the study would not only be a cute decorative touch, but also a surefire formula for academic success, it is best to place them in the top left or top right is a great benefit for feng shui.

To increase yang energy 

The owl represents a powerful yang force, placing the owl pictures where you need a boost of solid energy.

Bottom Line:

When dealing with symbols in the present world, it's beneficial to learn about their historical background, but it's also important to rely on your own innate insight. We advise you to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings, and to resist the temptation to immediately label something as "good" or "bad." I'm more interested in your interpretation of owls. If you feel indifferent, that's the attitude to adopt. Bringing an owl into your home as a feng shui enhancement is likely to be meaningful and useful if you have a strong affinity for these birds. But if you have a bad feeling about owls, it could be beneficial feng shui to find out why you have this association.

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