What is the Lotus Symbol in Feng Shui and How to Use It

What is the Lotus Symbol in Feng Shui and How to Use It

Saumya Singh

Many of us are looking for ways to reestablish a connection to nature within our homes as our schedules get busier and our focus shifts more toward technology. You can get a head start on this by putting the principles of feng shui to work for you. Through the practise of feng shui, one strives to bring about greater harmony with the natural world and to work with the natural rhythms and cycles that occur.

Uses of Lotus Symbol in Feng Shui

There are a variety of channels through which one can bring the teachings of the natural world into their homes. Using significant symbols taken from the natural world, such as plants or animals, is one of these options. The lotus flower is a common symbol that conjures up feelings of compassion, harmony, and peace. Continue reading to find out how you can improve the feng shui of your home by making use of the lotus as a symbol.

Lotus Meaning and Symbolism in Feng Shui

The lotus is a stunning plant that thrives in watery environments like lakes and ponds. In many different cultures, the lotus flower is regarded as a significant symbol. It bears a large flower that can have white, pink, or reddish-tinged petals, depending on the variety. In China, the entire lotus plant is used for a variety of purposes, from the roots to the flowers, the flower is used for decoration, while other parts of the plant have a variety of applications in nutrition and medicine.

It is not possible to bring a living lotus plant into your home, in contrast to many other types of flowers and plants, you could instead bring an image of a lotus into your space with the intention of working with its symbolism if you want to work with the symbolism of the lotus. The following is a list of some of the feng shui meanings of the lotus flower.

Achieving both Purity and Perfection

The Buddhist tradition of wisdom is one of those from which feng shui draws inspiration. In Buddhism, the lotus is considered a symbol of enlightenment due to the fact that it is able to flourish and produce a beautiful bloom even in the filthiest of water environments. It is considered to be one of the eight precious Buddhist treasures, and numerous images of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas seated on lotuses can be found in Buddhist art.

Marriage and Fertility

Because the pronunciation of the Chinese word for lotus sounds like a combination of the words for connection and peace, the lotus has come to symbolise a harmonious partnership. The buds of the lotus flower are frequently used as a symbol of fertility and procreation in works of art and other decorative items. The seed pods of the lotus also represent fertility.


The lotus is also associated with abundance as well as the fruitfulness that comes with the summer season. This plant has a lot of benefits and gifts for us. It is possible to eat, decorate with, or treat yourself with any part of the plant, and it does so throughout the summer while simultaneously blooming and producing seeds.

Compassion and Peace

It is common practise to depict Quan Yin, the compassionate bodhisattva, either holding a lotus or seated on one. As a result of the relationship between Quan Yin and the lotus, this flower is commonly associated with compassion. "Jewel in the lotus" is what "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum," the compassion mantra of Quan Yin, literally translates to.

Using Lotus Symbol in Your Home

It is considered to be very fortunate to have a lotus pond in your backyard if you already have a pond there and live in an area with the appropriate climate. You can also bring the image of a lotus into specific parts of your home, which is another option given that this choice is unavailable to the majority of us.

In the Bedroom

In order to bring more tranquilly and harmony into your life, you might want to hang an image of a lotus flower or some flowers in your bedroom. In the practise of feng shui, your bedroom serves as a representation of you; consequently, any change you make to this area of your home can have a significant impact. Beginning with the bedroom is typically recommended when one is new to the practise of feng shui. The bedroom is also connected to your relationship with your partner, and putting artwork in your bedroom that depicts a pair of lotus flowers can symbolise a peaceful and happy union for the two of you.

In the Center of the Home

Placing an image or sculpture of a lotus in the focal point of your home, such as in the centre of the room, is another way to bring harmony to the entire space. According to feng shui, the heart of your home is a significant location because the energy you create in this part of the house has an effect on the rest of the room. When you bring a picture of a lotus into your home, you can focus your energy on bringing more tranquilly and balance into your life.

In Your Meditation Area

If you have a space dedicated to meditation, this would be an ideal location to incorporate imagery of lotuses. Having a lotus in this space can lend support to your goal of developing a deeper connection to inner calm and satisfaction. The lotus is a metaphor for the fact that your inner beauty and perfection are unchanging, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.

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